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I help “grown-ass” adults navigate the big changes & shifts in their life & career

I coach, create content, & produce events for men and women who are going through personal and professional changes, transitions, reinvention and introspection, life events, the rough patches, inevitable ups, downs, and uncharted territory that we all face as we hit midlife… aka. Advanced Adulting.

One part of your life may be perfect, but…

… another area might be a train wreck or simply not what you expected or envisioned for yourself.

Maybe it’s your career, marriage or relationships, children, health, mindset, or finances.

You may be facing a change or transition you NEVER anticipated, like finding yourself single and dating again after being married for 15+ years; hating your soul sucking job and thinking “what do I want to be when I grown up… the second (or 3rd) time; death of a parent; depression, lonliness, health issues; being an empty nester or single parent.

Maybe you ‘ve achieved what was “expected” of you… but now it’s time for YOU.

Maybe you feel your aren’t as far along as you thought you’d be by now and there has to be more.

Maybe you just feel it’s time for you to LIVE fully & authentically for the rest of your time here.

 The list can go on and on…

The fact is we are often led to believe that…

You’re supposed to have your shit together at this age.

… but sometimes you DON’T, and THAT'S OK!

You don't know what you don't know … until it is staring you in the face.

YOU aren’t alone! I’ve been there… so have a lot of people.

Let’s do this together.

As a fifty something man and divorced father of three that’s been through a lot of it myself, I use experience, life lessons AND that of my personal network of experts and specialists in a variety of fields, and a global community of people like you who are living it to coach, mentor and advise men and women around the world and offer strategies, direction, encouragement, “how to” advice, and resources for these and other midlife issues… things we call Advanced Adulting.